Sunday, April 24, 2011

synchronization with the resonance field

Talk therapy and gossip as the number of health
mm gossip the law alteration were gained in the gossip in the antagonist to live in the gained afterward birth; and the tangible body, there is always an hidden, elusive intangible innate gossip to manipulate the market, that is, that human feeling, people of anybody site, human anywhere, at anyone range, there is a person's words and actions, as the number corresponding to gossip. In other words, a cell of any person, any body portion contains the message for you , gossip field effect, the huge no no in addition to its small. Therefore, as the number one formula in counting to any local norm, while also conditioning the body. such as Changzhou, a meditation, as the number of students deserving to illness up to 4 months prescription 640.30.80 long later the physical examination, the original with left ventricular hypertrophy (physicians have reported that it had left ventricular hypertrophy can not be reinstated), hypertension, coronary heart disease, cervical hyperplasia, kidney stones, and always returned customary, only while blood oppression fluctuations, the account works on. This is the cause mentioned above, is the object matter of a Tai Chi reason: it will be like any number of recipes as a body, like the number on the front of the premier go, accordingly, as the first factor charted for the cardinal card number. In short, any number is like a small globe to communicate with the macrocosm, the small universe mm affect the position, the entire body.
beneath the human body is gossip site, so meditation as a reasonable number of formulations (ie, gossip, Yin Yang, Five Elements Health and restraint reasonable), not only adjustable-related diseases, but also physical health. because a number of meditation, like gossip, gossip universe, synchronization with the resonance field, assimilation, natural a magnificent spirit, Days. , great, heaven and earth will not follow the example of the human.
a writing shrieked also shows greater depth, stool this That is, the stool of the any one of the few are in play as a detoxification of innovation, such as the replacement ring without the dynamic equilibrium state. This is the shock of the body by regulating the field of deduction for the number of patients
therapy is the use of gossip as gossip site, via the five elements rule, yin and yang, 0 yin and yang, like any reasonable number of recipes can interfere the body's yin and yang balance and the balance is a dynamic equilibrium concept, and change time and space. If the mind for the grief Jiangzhuo Recipe: 0007000 If the read time is too long, cumbersome legs often have the feeling or the waist cilia plate; this because the Gen 7 at present and massive, and Gen 7 for the soil, soil water and portly grams kidney plate. Another example is the 4000 to Liver Qi, Keming Head (liver opens into the eyes), merely it was read with a long period can reason stomach discomfort, for the impact of wood grams Gen soil. so long as the parties appear not to migrate.
meditation 640.820 and whether the winter will feel chilly, if change the concept 380.650 square, and feeling lukewarm. gossip inclusive of period and space as the number of information, yin and yang of the attribute; former party yin, yang, after party, so the above sense.
Another example of keen diarrhea can be tested in cold read 33380.1650 .377720 can be strong abdominal warm to cold, diarrhea Jiangzhuo. Fang 33380 abdomen pathogenic cold and temperature can be tempested spleen health manoeuvre; 1650 to the intestine can be cold, warm the whole body; 3777 to enhance the diarrhea and temperature in joined Another example is Yang * *
over ninety an year age, manipulation of its center rate, breathing to dead. stem decease. apparently do not peruse as with, not normalization of cardiac feature with the rules. it ought no matter how ill, until the symptoms evaporated, still prop read to solid effect, and fitness.
favor causativeable number of formula in the think process, maximum of them ambition emerge snug, relaxed, energetic feeling; who proceed to hold such a formula can be read, to be adaptive side that there is no longer timely.
Chinese mentioning ;, namely namely, along to taste and eat, this is actually the body's own > Also, for the digit of interesting thinking in images formulations, such as learn 650, hike effortless, seems to be the foot (the foot Hom 6) the end of the wind (the air Sunda) consciousness. read seems to hike 720 feet (Gen 7 as the foot) by the end offended (against 2 for gas) sense.
and if it is an ignorant friend, a adjoin rule Ling ** gallstones, so that it read 720.40 and extra. He ambitioned to Gen 7 stone, against the erasure of the stone 2, 4 Ray, as the shattered stone for stone machine. (The Friends of the wonderful understanding)
which to inflate your analytic in images and Ao Yu wings like some mysterious number of the world.
Third, the daytime after morrow of the spleen and stomach
mm oral Chinese is not only its own taste, but more important is that its function. people are connate afterward in life the day after tomorrow, that follows the birth, growth, and strong, the old, the law has been . spleen and stomach in the human body not only bear the whole absorbent system function, and it is more important to work on behalf of the spleen and stomach function of whole apparatuses; other words, the representative of the whole body health, long, strong, old, has been; then that is great in terms of concentration of the change in seasons of the year, this is the use of feminine, submissive to resist days of law, formation, and the load of all things, follow the seasons, to transport and endless. which can be stretched to protect the environment, protection of nature, it relates to the protection of our stomach. in the image-number 8,7 in the spleen and stomach, they acquired in the operation of the undertaking, the law of the day after tomorrow.
Now numerous experts and scholars have proved to refraining from eating grain, cancers and diet on the person body, fitness, longevity, the mysterious significance of monasticism, so Many human ailments, temporary, are concerned with human eating also many, eat too many, which directly influence the action of the spleen and abdomen function, and lead to assorted diseases, so edible and human health are inextricably adjoin. Japanese people are well-known period scientist, said:
diet is also nice, refraining Ye Hao, is the nature of mind are hard temper (if implicit lust bigu, please refer to the traditional culture of the scholar Chen Quanlin pedagogue . heart from the graph 3, the monarch of the commander, commanding psyche, the Heaven, employer. in trial when there is hunger or 650.380 or 380.650 33,380.650 read or 650.3870.
diet Ye Hao, refraining worth mentioning, not only out of curiosity and kick the tires. should be based on protecting the surroundings and ecological poise, stimulate the potential to browse the natural trajectory of life.
many experts and scholars are said to eat food slowly, chewing the same time to promote each port 30 straight times to give full melodrama to the role of saliva. saliva, body liquid, said traditional Chinese medicine, practitioners said Yu Ye, in short, to promote secretion of saliva, the process for the crossing of heart and kidney for either launch and water economic; is Kin Yun stomach, Bu Zhong Yi Qi state. often quietly 650.380.720 (or read 66550.380.720) mouth fluid, force; worth a attempt. help diet, refraining, warm, Kin Yun Qi.
Fourth, nature and male, kind to all
written by Japanese writer Emoto's . According to Nature and Man of the reason, anything is a masterpiece of the universe, there are Aura; variety to all certainly moral patronize from many. pleasing entities, nature, including animals; resulting vegetarian. can be narrated as preserving the ecological balance, environmental conservation, conservation of self. treat things, naturally, as the number of recipe (or recipes jotted in the tape, posted on the pertinent points or parts. heart district), is a gossip site with the assimilation process of resonance. gossip like the number has excellent aura of this complete, through the morality of the level of the gods all things. not only regulate the body, while in the regulation of mind, my life. variety to all that follow the gossip site, is Heaven, world, the law of nature.

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