Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the inquiry of seaman sediments apt the fashionable climatic conditions tin be drawn.

Study: fish fish fish Benben mother of this article have contributed to the
primer (ha ha, there is impetus of the entire)
Figure 1: Acquisition of scientists in the Antarctic ice core
Earth, if at open online blog, estimated click-through rate would certainly surpass Xu Jinglei. the globe did not, but it does have a blog. Earth's blog journal written in three places: 1, deep-sea sediments; 2, the polar ice cores; 3, the earth broad delivery of loess. do not dine and beverage and phantasmal, the Earth's blog memo to record how it honestly from a excellent stone into the lives of today's home brisk.
without a keyboard and sword pen, how is it written?
chemistry level work to school too, there are three settled isotopes of oxygen. were oxygen 16, oxygen 17,unless relative to survival, oxygen 18, the digit of neutrons they were 8,9,10, accordingly, oxygen-18 the most Light. was laborious apt disappear, once evaporated into water vapor, yet too more promising to abbreviate to fashion rain and sleet fall.
relatively tall temperature in a particular year, there will be more oxygen into water vapor 18 evaporated from the ocean, was taken away by atmospheric prevalence . until the poles into the snow fall down. year after year in the Antarctic and Greenland snow deposition, and then into ice. What? Why not the North Pole deposition? Arctic that pimple you have land?
Thus, detection of the ice changes in oxygen-18 content, you can come to by the period of precipitation, temperature and additional air changes. ice in a mixture of impurities, the gas also tells us namely the cloudy makeup, volcanic activities.
Figure 2: Drill out ice in polar ice cores
diary is so written, the emulating diary to see marine sediments.
After always, the water of oxygen 16 more, more polar ice manner that more oxygen was taken 16 walk, ocean water will boost the proportion of oxygen 18. And the oceans have a lot to sponge water in the factors, such as: carbon, oxygen, to give themselves . For example, the shells. (with that arrange of nice, not when the house slaves) when these beings with shells hanging later they are deposited the remains to the bottom, and these sediments were recorded in sea water to carbon and oxygen isotope content.
Figure 3: Coral is also momentous to record environmental changes and sailor life
, organisms absorb carbon in the environment, it will absorb more carbon-12, meantime the carbon-13 left in the context, so when the bio-thriving populations of lax and biological environment in the carbon 13 content will be differ. Therefore, the inquiry of marine sediments to the prevailing climatic conditions can be drawn.
array to make more people, and even basic school students Nengkanmingbai, I said quite simple and obvious, in fact, this go is very difficult to make it so complex!
Figure 4: Comparison of deep-sea sediments respective reliability of terrestrial sediments
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Figure 5 : Loess pinnacles, more spectacular than the Stone Forest in Yunnan, right?
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