Thursday, April 28, 2011

mentioned North and South

Happy Dictionary special partition Registration to attend the selection. regardless of age, regardless of qualifications, and no matter which city you get down to, if you love the National Studies and confident, by the time the tumble to the West Hill site selection of the motel have the chance to catch up with the National Study share today, five sons were all taught not reserve Young
godfather of rigid teacher is too slothful to teach children not to learn non-child should not learn the old
玉不琢不成器 what I do not know people do not learn righteousness people side came from a pro-child mentoring practice Etiquette
can Wenxi Xiao Hong Jiu-ling in the implementation of pro-financial-year-old makes the pear when the younger brother in a long time should be watched and listened the Prophet
understand the first filial perception of a text in a digit of ten and 1 hundred and twelve hundred and thousands and thousand
three powers who were Heaven, Earth, moon and stars Sanko His Sons, three bonds are pro-monarch said spring and said his wife along
Winter said the four north-south are not poor fortune said to be almost the West in the East, the Quartet said water and launch wood
The five elements of gold soil dry a heap of almost twelve Zhizi A to Kuei-hai
said to the ecliptic equator, said at the follow precedent below which the right of the equator very warm in the Northeast
I said the Chinese said the Huai river water economy of this Sidu Song Heng Ji Heng Hua Dai said, the Five Sacred Mountains in the name of
said farmers who said the good business these four Republican said the five permanent members should not be tangled in this Wisdom and Faith
rice sorghum wheat Shuji beans eaten by people in this valley of horses six livestock Along the hog sheep fared
the servant beasts of people said alarm of delight, anger, sorrow, saying, For love of evil enthusiasms Pao taint seven gold leather with bamboo wood and stone is a high-great-grandfather and the body octave
body and the child to child and Sun Zizi Sun Aboriginal person who is the odd London
brother and his son from the ex wife Judith were friends and friends Christine young and old king ordered the minister is Chung King
the ten righteous shall be kept the same attention to detail where the training next sentence read Exegesis there must be the beginning of school for academics
book final four group of disciples of the Analects are twenty seven who remember only the good words of Mencius
ethical tenet that virtue and as unbiased Yong Zisi pen is not easy for the University of Zeng
Xiaojing Qi Zhiping ego governance via four books cooked, such as verse and literature easy to read Six rite before No. Six Spring
Hill when there is accentuate there are three easy to return estate of details of a typical Book of Mo has vows are training Patent
I ordered the book of the Olympics for Zhou Duke kept the six official governing body of the size of the Word of wearing Note Book of Rites, ritual prepared the above said
MAK said Ya Song number four poems necrosis both the Spring and Autumn when the satirical Wing Apartments for
Judgments of good and evil do not have three rams who have passed a Gu Liang Zuo Ming Fong read by both children
briefed in idea making it to five children who have Xun Yang read through the text of the neutron and the old Zhuang Jingzi all know the history of descent
test circulates from the farm to the Yellow Emperor Xi Shang Shi Tang Tri-Pointe a number Emperor Yu Yi-Xun said phase
Prime Xiayou Yu Wu said business has Tangzhou Wen Wang Xia Chuanzi home world
three hundred community soup containing the summer cutting summer move business of the country killed six uploaded to the Zhou King Wu of Zhou
punish the beginning of the longest weeks of almost exactly eight hundred contained Gang East arms still falling succeed finally persuaded the Spring and Autumn Warring States
Five Powerful Chiefs start muscular combination and the beginning of the seven powers that win Qin Chuan II Chu construction manufacture skirmish with high Zuxing Han Ping Wang Mang usurped the throne
Shiko Guangwu last four hundred years the Eastern Han Xing Wei Xian Wu Shu competition until the three mathematics of H & Q
Qiji Liang Jin and Chen Cheng as the Southern Song Jinling North Yuanwei points are things < br> Yuwen Zhou and Gao Qi Sui Till the dawn of hunk wastage is no longer a system of soil Yu Xu Gaozu chaotic uprising invasive Sui division
IMF than twenty-three hundred Zai Liang mass erasure is to change the country and Han Jin Tang Liang Zhou
Five Jieyou said Yan Song Xing by the eighth week of Zen Liao Chuan North-South mix and Le Conte No. staying Fun
Till the dawn of the Song, Yuan Xing off gold thread, and off break together with China and SONG Shi-Rong and Di
the first Ming Chuan long Jianwen Fang parents and teachers moved to Beijing 4 Si-Si LO Chongzhen Meishan dead Till the dawn of history
Nianer're all contained in a history of disorder in reading test to know the rise and fall through past and present if the pro-Head Record mouth and chanting
However, the heart towards the past in Sri Lanka on the eve of Sri Lanka items attributed to the ancient sages Zhongni division is still made Diligence
by Lu Zhao Shi-learning and diligence of Biji Phi Po cut bamboo He compiled the book and kas long aswithout the first cantilever Mian
He does not teach self-Cone Cigu hard-working, such as fireflies, such as capsule, although poor school stopped working Yingxue
home such as negative, though paid laborers, such as hanging angle of the body still painful Zhuosu Fountain twenty-seven energies began reading the old books still repent
Biji Articles should be back later if Seoul niche Leung Ho Ting-kui eighty-two pairs of big toast
Biji niche into the public, said Seoul should be determined depending Ying-year-old bleeding-year-old can be Wing Fu Ying Wu Chess
He called Kier young school can be identified when the efficacy of Wenji Xie Tao Yun Qin Yong Yin
He can women and men Miner Cong Liu Yan Tang as from the police for the CNS side-year-old prodigy
he held, although the body has Shier young school child Erzhi promising Mian If the dog vigil Zheyi
chicken crows do otherwise would learn Camps man who silkworm silk honey bees do not learn things as children, learn as strong and the line
Zemin on the famous sound of the next monarch caused significant light on the front margin of the parents GOLD descendants left in me to teach full-Ying
athletic child only play by the ground needless should leave the holy man administered to
the beginning of the good. sex, Distinct far.
Lesson of life down times are good, but because the growth process, not the same day after learning environment, temperament and will have the difference between good and bad.
do otherwise would teach, sex is the transfer. Education of the Road, you to post.
If your answer is not a good childhood education, and good nature will be aggravate. To make people not go bad, the most important method is to concentrate on educating the children to go.
Xi Meng Mu, and chose a vicinity location. sub- do not learn, off loom.
Lesson Warring States period, the Mencius's mom moved three times, is to enable the Mencius have a good learning surroundings. a truant Mencius, Meng Mu fabric to cut the loom to teach children.
sinus Yanshan, a righteous side. teach five children, were all Yang.
Lesson Five Dynasties, Jun Yu Yanshan were sinus useful method of teaching his son, his five sons have a great educational accomplishment, but royal renown.
assist does not teach, the father of the over. teach strict teacher is lazy.
Lesson dependent children, food and clothes only, not a good education is the father's mistake. just education, but not strictly required that a teacher the lazy.
do not learn, should not have. baby does not learn what the old.
Lesson children would not study, I should have. a person if the child does not learn from it, to the old time to understand either the truth in life, neither knowledge, to what use it?
jade is not saint unawares. people do not learn, I do not know justice.
Lesson carved jade is not polished, not a beautiful artifacts; If the person does not learn, do not understand the etiquette, not talent.
human child, came from a party. parent mentoring, teaching formality to do
Lesson Children, ambition near from infancy teachers and friends, to learn a lot from them manners and knowledge of personal action.
Hong Jiuling, can warm the seat. filial piety to parents, as when the administrative
Lesson Huang Han Xiang, the age of nine to know Honor your father, for his father warm blanket. This is every man should abide their parents and to follow the implementation.
fiscal year-old, let pears. Ti in width, should be the Prophet
Lesson Jung Han Dynasty four annuals age, I know the huge brother to dine pears give this esteem and fraternity brother of the reason, everyone should be conscious of since childhood.
first filial fidelity, time horizons. know of a few, know a text < br> Lesson one is that at the outset to learn and honor their parents and brothers and love the truth, followed by learning to see and hear the knowledge. and know basic math and perfected math, and understanding of the text, reading literature.
one and ten, ten and hundred. hundreds and thousands, thousands and thousand of
Lesson decimal arithmetic method used: one to ten is the basic diagrams, and then a hundred and ten ten ten one a hundred a thousand, ten thousand is changing has been going ten thousand hh.
with God who, Heaven, Earth. Sanko who Sun Moon Star
Lesson ought also know thatcommon sense of everyday life, such as what namely ; with God? > Lesson What is a coexistence between the rolls.
said spring, summer, autumn and winter said. the seasons, campaign will not be poor
Lesson let us look at the surroundings, spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons is cried. This seasons the changing seasons, spring came final summer, autumn and winter, so the wheel not stops.
said North and South, East, West said. This square should be almost the
Lesson comes east, south, West, North, which is called the five elements, the number of the nearly
Lesson As for , two, three, four, five fusions of these five numbers and the changes produced.
ten when dry, A to decane. twelve, the child to Hai
Lesson A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Xin, Wang, Kuei, also known as not, shen, you, Xu, Hai, also known as , while the sun around the galactic heart action. the sun's orbit is called , in the northeast
his time in the equatorial regions, the maximum temperature, climate, especially hot, in both intentions north and south from the equator, the temperature gradually lower. our country is located in the northeast side of the Earth.
said river, said, Huai economy. This Sidu, water
Lesson century China is a very big country, directly into the sea, the Yangtze River, Yellow River, Huaihe River and the economic of water, these four creeks is the representative of China's rills.
said Dai China, Artemisia constant worth. the Five Sacred Mountains, mountain
your answer in the name of the five famous mountains in China, known as the mountain is the representative of the mountain.
who said peasants, said Trade and Industry. This Simin, country good
Lesson China is the world's most populous country. intellectuals, peasants, workers and businessmen, is a citizen indispensable pillars, known as Si-min, which is an momentous portion of society.
said righteousness, etiquette and knowledge. the five permanent members, should not be twisted
If your answer to all the people can benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and believe that change the rules of the five criteria as a man of doing things,beijing massage, will forever preserve social harmony, so everyone should follow, not neglect negligence.
born to, there is plant. this plant, over land and water < br> But, in addition humans, there are flowers and trees on Earth, these are plants, on land and water everywhere.
with insects and fish,toronto escorts, there are birds. this animal can fly away.
Lesson insects, fish, birds, animals are animals, some of these animals to fly in the sky, and some can hike on land, and some can be in the water.
Liang Shu rice, wheat Shuji . The six-valley, people eat.
Lesson staple of human life and some from plants, such as rice, wheat, beans, maize and sorghum, which are important food of our daily lives.
horses and sheep, just a few kilometers hog. the domestic animals, feeding people.
Lesson in animals are horses, cattle, sheep, chickens, dogs and pigs, is called domestic animals. these animals and the same could have been six Valley in the brutal. people gradually came to be domesticated before appropriate a necessity for daily life.
said, joy, anger, fear or misery said. love evil desires, impassioned all.
Lesson called hi merry, vexed call for grief and fear is called fear, and my heart favor to call love, hate is called evil, mercenary heart is called desire, together called the seven emotions. It is born with the seven emotions.
green-yellow, and black and white . This five-color, head of the knowledge.
Lesson cyan, yellow, red, dark and pearly, and this is the ancient institution of five colors, is the people's eyes to recognize.
Suanku Gan, and Xin Xian. This flavors, mouth contained.
his time in the food we normally eat, the Almighty out of your mouth differentiate, acid, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty, the five tastes.
smell of mutton Jiao Xiang, and fishy rotten. The five smelly, nose by sniffing.
minute we nostril can smell the smell of things, there are five cardinal smell that smell sheep, scalding savor, smell, rotten fish smell and taste.
Pao soil leather, wood and stone of gold. silk and bamboo, is the octave.
Lesson to make melodious instruments of ancient matter, divided into eight, that gourd melon, dirt , leather, wood, stone, metal, silk and bamboo, known as the ancestors into the smooth tone of voice, on the go, into four. tones use must be harmony, it sounds to make comfortable.
high ancestor, the father and the body. body and the son, son and grandson.
Lesson Gaozu Fu students from the great-grandfather, great-grandfather of Health grandfather, father, grandfather students, Father I am, my son, grandson, son of regeneration.
from children and grandchildren, to Yuen had. is Aboriginal, people of London.
Lesson by their own son, grandson and then next is the great-great-grandson and great-grandchildren. from Gaozu Fu to the great-grandson called the family of inherited blood relations.
father and son Well, a couple from. brother is friends brother is Christine.
Lesson between father and son to focus on every other's kindness, the feelings between husband and wife to disconnecting, brother To adore his brother, my brother will must respect his brother.
seniority order, friends and friends. monarch is King, minister is loyal.
Lesson exchanges aged and the young respect the old and young to pay attention bottom series; friends together on mutual betrayal. If the monarchs to respect his courtiers, officials who would be loyal to him had.
this ten meaning the same person. When teachers and Syria, do not go against.
Lesson Ten formerly mentioned meaning: a loving dad Zixiao, husband and a wife forward, brother friend, brother Christine, friends trust, of Friends of judge, Jun Jing, Chen Zhong, which is namely everyone should emulate, do can not destroy.
cut Qicui, size, power. to the linen hemp, five final.
Lesson cut bad, Qi Cui, great service, minor values and the linen hemp, which is the ancient Chinese people of another family Five dead wearing grief.
music, archery, Yushu number. Old Six Arts, this does not have.
Lesson rites, melody, archery, driving, reading ancient calligraphy and arithmetic are the six people must learn varieties of skills, these six techniques to now, no one can simultaneously have the.
but calligraphy, a total of compliance. neither read, speak the text.
his time in the six masterpieces, only every now and calligraphy individuals are respected. When a person know how to read the hereafter, they can go to research
Lesson evolution experience of a literary text, Seal, Seal Script, official script, cursive script, it have to be clear, can not engage in muddle.
if wide study, fear of its boom. But Choi said, the knower incipient.
Lesson If you absence to learn a broad scope of knowledge, it is not cozy, there is not course to start, but if the general can do research, alternatively can learn many of the basic fact.
where training Mongolian, should pay attention. exegetical details, read next sentence.
Lesson newly enrolled children who teach the teachers, must make it clear to every word, every sentence must be annotated to comprehend and know how to punctuate the school children. < br> for academics, there must be early. Primary end, four books.
Lesson as a savant, lay the foundation for the initial study, the basic knowledge and thoroughly, and we can read the > The Analects of Confucius who, twenty. group of disciples, write truthfulness.
Lesson a book.
Mencius, who, seven only. stresses ethics, said that virtue.
Lesson moral virtue, and other nice words.
for moderation, is drain chasm. is not partly, yung easy.
Lesson for the home rule the world read six books by such mysterious.
poetry and literature is easy, award spring. No. Six, when the stress.
Lesson Hill that changes in the macrocosm, all asset the truth of the book propagation.
a typical mo, have training Patent. has vowed life, the book of Austria.
Lesson It is the basic founding principles; two mo, that country plans; III exercise, the opinion of the Minister; four-Patent, that the king's notice; five oath, raise an legion statement; six lives, the king's command.
my Duke for Zhou. the six officials, governing body existence.
Lesson Duke authored Word of ritual readiness.
Lesson Dade and wearing a Santa mobilize and Notes circumstances.
said Kuo-feng, said Ya Song. No. of Poetry, when satirical hymn.
Lesson It is a rich, deep feelings of poetry, it is worthwhile for us to narrate.
poetry both dead, as the Spring and Autumn. Apartments appraise, do good and evil.
your reply was the decline of the Zhou Dynasty Book of Songs will follow in the chilly, so Confucius as . There Zuo, there Gu Liang.
Lesson three high mass of the sheep book , you must elect the more important to read, and remember that everything in the two wagon before the nag cause and effect.
five sons who have Xun Yang. text neutron, and Lao.
Lesson five children is the Xunzi, the Yangtze, Man neutrons, Lao Tzu, and Chuang Tzu. They wrote the book, the book will be called the Son.
child pass by and read all the history. test descent, known beginning and end.
Lesson child the become to read through the book and after cooked , read history books, read the history of the DPRK must be sophisticated generations of descent, to understand the reasons for their rise and fall in order to learn lessons from history.
from Xi farming, to the Yellow Emperor. No. San Juan, ranking Shangshi. < br> Lesson from the Fu Xi, Shen Nong to the Yellow Emperor, the three emperors in ancient times can be caring, very great, so later generations adored them as God. Yi-Xun period, called Golden Age.
Lesson after the Yellow Emperor, a Tang Yao and Shun two emperors, Yao thinks his son unscrupulous, and the throne passed to both the chaste dodge, when the two imperial governance, peace and harmony, all praise.
Xiayou Yu, mercantile soup. Angiogenic, said the three kings.
Lesson Yu Xia Dynasty was the founding monarch, the founding monarch soup Shang and Zhou North Korea's founding monarch is King Wen and King Wu. these were later known as the chief of both aptitude and integrity of the three kings.
Xiachuan Zai, family globe. hundred load, moved to the summer community.
Lesson Yu the throne passed to his son, the world has transform a home from all the. After four hundred years, summer was soup to burn out, thus ending its reign.
King Wu of Zhou, Zhou began to punish. eight hundred contained the maximum long-term .
Lesson exterminate Shang Dynasty King Wu of Zhou appalled and annihilated King Zhou, the establishment of the Zhou dynasty, the longest history of the Zhou Dynasty, lasted eight hundred years before.
week rut East, Wang Gang fall. boast arms, is still lobbying.
Lesson King Ping dongqian States since the week after the control of feudal lords obtaining weak. vassal state of combat among the frequent, merely likewise began to lobby the folk in popularity.
before the Spring and Autumn, end the Warring States Period. Five Hegemons strong, seven powers out.
Lesson Eastern Zhou is divided into two stages, one Spring and Autumn Period, Warring States period one. Spring and Autumn Period Qihuan Gong, Duke Hsiang of Sung, Duke Wen of Jin, and Chu Qinmu Gong Zhuang Wang called the Five Powerful Chiefs. Warring States Period of the seven powers were Qichu Yan Qin Han Wei Zhao.
obtain Qin, ahead annexation. Communication II, Chu-Han contention.
Lesson late Warring States, Qin forces growing stronger and stronger to exterminate the additional princes States, the establishment of a unified Qin Dynasty. Qin Hu Hai II passed, the world is chaos another, and finally, the formation of the situation of competition between Chu and Han.
emperor Hing, Chinese industry was built. Shiko Ping Wang Mang usurped the throne.
Lesson Han emperor vanquished Xiang Yu, the establishment of the Han Dynasty. Han throne passed two hundred years, to when Emperor Xiao Ping, it was Wang Mang usurped.
Kuang Wu Xing, as the Eastern Han Dynasty. four hundred years, finally offering ..
Lesson Wang Mang usurped power. to change the country for the fashionable chaos, overthrow the Gengshi Emperor Liu Xiu, restore the country for Han, known as the Eastern Han Guangwu, Han extended four hundred years, to the Han when the demise of Emperor Xian.
Wei, Shu and Wu, H & Q competition. Number three, as of Jin.
Lesson Eastern Han Dynasty, Wei, Shu, Wu contend because the world to manner a situation of championship between the three countries. Later Wei, Shu and Wu went out, but was Sima Yan usurped the king, established the Jin dynasty, Eastern and Western Jin Jin is divided into two periods.
Following Song Qi, Liang Chencheng. for the Southern, all of Nanking.
Lesson south after the Jin dynasty royal family, and soon decay, and followed the sky is the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Southern, including Songqi Liang Chen, countries have built in Jinling.
North Yuanwei, sub thing. Yuwen Zhou, Xing Gao Qi.
your answer refers to the Northern Yuan Wei. Yuanwei later split into Eastern Wei and Western Wei, Western Wei was Yuwen felt usurped the place, the establishment of the Northern Zhou Dynasty; Eastern Wei Gao Yang usurped the place was established the Northern Qi Dynasty. < br> Till the dawn of Sui, a soils mansions. will not pass, threading system loss.
Lesson Yang Jian of China's reunification, the establishment of the Sui Dynasty in history as the emperor. His son Emperor Yang Guang reign, dissolute no way, the demise of the Sui Dynasty presently.
Gaozu uprising department. In adding to the Sui muddle, creating the IMF.
Lesson Gaozu revolted opposition Sui Li Yuan, the final demise of the Sui Dynasty, He defeated the anti-Sui Yijun divide ways, has made the world, to establish the Tang Dynasty.
twenty memoir, embodying three hundred. beam off of, the country is changed.
Lesson rule of the Tang Dynasty almost years, a total of twenty-four emperors passed. to the Tang Zhao Xuan Zhu Quanzhong throne was established Liang, Tang Dynasty from extinction. to the beam and the phase inconsistency between Northern and Southern Dynasties in history known as the behind rest.
Tang Liang Jin, and Han weeks. said the Five Dynasties, there are the.
Lesson Later Liang, Later Tang, Later Jin, Later Han dynasties, and the replacement on Friday after the period of history known as the Five, the five dynasties all have causative.
Hing Yan Song, by weeks of Zen. eighth pass, north and south mixed.
Lesson Kuangyin accepted the Later Zhou Dynasty persecution of minorities in the south, the outcome became the situation of North and South melee.
Liao and Jin, both emperor. greenbacks off disbursement, and must SONG Shi.
Lesson north of Liao, Jin and Mongol have established a state, the emperor himself, and finally the Mongols broke the Jin and the Song dynasty, established the Yuan Dynasty unified China again.
Maps wide guide generation. ninety years, the National jo consume.
Lesson 】 element boundaries of reclined a very massive, the rule of the territory, more than the before every dynasty. but it only lasted just nine decades, the laborer uprising was overthrown.
Xing Dynasty, the Ming state. No. Hongwu, all of Nanking.
Lesson Yuan Dynasty, the first Ming emperor uprising, and eventually overturn the rule of the Yuan Dynasty, unified the nation, the establishment of the Ming reign, he became throne, Hongwu Road, chief of Nanking.
Till the dawn of Chengzu , moved to Yanjing. XVI, to Chongzhen.
your answer to the Yongle reign, the capital moved to the north by Jinling Yanjing. sixteen Ming emperors were passed, until the appointment Chongzhen Emperor Ming the demise.
eunuch IV Kouru Lin. Li, break, burn artifacts.
Lesson Ming Dynasty, eunuch, chaos, people have intifada, the uprising led by Li Zicheng Jungong Po Chuang Wang, Beijing, Chongzhen Emperor forced suicide, the ultimate demise of the Ming Dynasty.
clear ancestor, Ying Jing life. Yasushi Quartet, g lulled down.
Lesson Qingjunruguan, the Qing emperor in Beijing ancestor Junji board seat of God, put down the muff around, so people can re-live permanence.
by the Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong and calendar. Man Fu, governance rendition boast.
Lesson Junji Wong later, were Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong and Jiaqing four emperors, during which truce and harmony of alive relatively settled, the state is relatively strong.
Road, Chatham, the uproar among. the beginning of Britain and France, scrambling all rustic.
Lesson Qing dynasty, and adored it, happened the turmoil, the British vexed the Opium War. Britain and France respectively Arrow events and composition of the ground forces killed the French priest, direct onset on Beijing.
the same light, the Xuantong weak. Chuan Kau Tai, full Qing dead.
Lesson Tongzhi Emperor after the Qing Dynasty have been dilapidated state potential, when the emperor reached the ninth Xuantong, they were led by Sun Yat-sen overthrew the Revolution.
revolution Xing, waste monarchy. establish the Constitution, the Republic of China was built.
Lesson Revolution led by Sun Yat-sen overthrew the Qing government's rule, abolished the monarchy, the establishment of the constitution, the establishment of the ROC government, appointed Interim President Sun Yat-sen. < br> ancient and modern history, all in hereby. set order, and disorder, knowing the rise and fall.
Lesson depicted above is to the establishment of the Republic from the Sovereigns and Five Emperors of ancient and modern history, we learn through history, we can understand the generation of the DPRK disorder in the mushroom and fall, realizing that a lot of useful things.
Although the complex history, read a second. Records I, Han II.
Lesson of China and the history books although numerous, complicated, but the time should have read order: first reading of Three Kingdoms project.
Lesson one should read the history of historical message beyond to go read, understand reason and effect of things through the ages, as if his own eyes the same.
mouth and chanting, but the heart. DPRK in Sri Lanka, on morn of Sri Lanka.
minute we read and study, to have insistence, to the side reading, meantime hard to think. Zaozaowanwan regarded thought to be accustom only with knowledge, can actually learn.
Zhong Xi Nigeria, the division opener bag. ancient sages, anyhow studious.
Lesson elapse, Confucius is a very studious human, was a child wonder named Lu item attributed to the state-owned, Confucius told him to learn. such as Confucius, the excellent sages, it is not forgotten hard, not to mention that we mediocre people do?
Zhao order by Lu on the. Biji Shi, learning and diligence.
Lesson Song Dynasty in mandate mm Pu Zhao Zhao, who has done official to Zhongshu Ling, and each day to read the Analects of Confucius also Shoubushijuan, not for he has been a high-ranking officials, and forget the hard to learn.
Phi Po sequence, slit bamboo. He has no books, and know Mian.
Lesson When that Lu Shu Han duplicate the text to read in the rushes. GONGSUN Hong engraved bamboo whittled to the Spring and Autumn of the bamboo. They were both very needy, could not furnish paperbacks, but did not forget to study hard.
first cantilever , cone Cigu. He does not instruct, since the hard-working.
Lesson SUN Jing Jin dynasty when he was studying her cilia tied to the beams so as to avoid falling resting. Warring States Period, Qin Su weary to read every stabbed with an awl thigh, they do not supervise others and consciously industrious study hard.
such as capsule firefly, such as Yingxue. at home, although poor, learning never stopped.
Lesson conveyances Yin Jin dynasty, the fireflies on the narrative bag When the light reading. Sun Kang Zeli reflective sleet to school with. both of them very poor family, was able to proceed their training in difficult conditions.
such as negative disburse, such as the hanging angle. the body, although personnel still suffer Zhuo. < br> Lesson Han Zhu Maichen to chop wood livelihood, wood side every day to study bear side. Sui Li Mi cattle horns hang on the books, the time studying. they still insist on coarse environment reading.
Sue Fountain, xxvii. the beginning of jealousy, reading books.
Lesson Su Xun, one of the Eight, No. Fountain, a child did not want to study, to the twenty-seven, before start determined to study hard, and later became the University queried the home.
Biji old, I still regret later. Seoul alcove, better sooner consider.
your answer as the old spring on the old Soviet Union, only to regret not make good reading and our young, but should grip the good times, strenuously reading, they are not to regret in future.
if Leung Ho, eighty two. on the big ting, Quebec toast.
Lesson One Song Leung Ho, comprehensive examinations in the eighty-year-old champion when, at the Mirage aboard the issues raised by the Emperor mellifluous, people do no entire take the test as he.
Biji into, the public, said dissimilar. Seoul niche, should be determined. < br> Lesson Leung Ho so older, and can still be successful, so that we can not but feel wondered, admire his diligence. and we should take advantage of a young man, standing will to study hard to be promising. < br> Ying-year-old,apt sell the stock, to Wing. secretin-year-old, can fu moves.
Lesson Zu Ying Qi a male appointed who will be competent to whisper-year-old poem, and after became Secretary of the jail Zhuzuo Lang. In addition Tang people toward a man named Li Mi, the old of 7 tin be made to the heading game of chess Poetry.
He Ying Wu, who astonished. Seoul young school, when the effect of.
Lesson two people they intelligent and smart, renowned at the time of gratitude and surprising people, and immediately we began studying it, should follow them to study hard.
Wenji, to discussion piano. Xie Tao Yun, Yong Yin energy.
Lesson 】 In ancient times there are many emphatic woman artiste. Wenji as the late Eastern Han to distinguish between good and bad piano, Xie Tao Yun Jin dynasty of gifted woman is able to backup into a poem.
He is a matron, and smart. Seoul man, when from the police. < br> Lesson two girls like this one to understand music, one will be poetry, genius is so intelligent; as a man, but to be often alert to enrich themselves fishes.
Tang Liu Yan, Fang-year-old . give a child prodigy, for the right word.
Lesson Emperor, there is a man named Liu Yan's child, there were only seven years old,toronto asian escorts, was selected as a child prodigy, and made to revising the text of the official responsible.
He was nor young, the body has been lawful. promising are also if.
Lesson Liu Yan Although so young, but it has an official to get busy responsibility for his country, in order to become a useful person, at all times work hard, as you can, and Liu Yan notable later.
vigil dog, chicken crows. do otherwise would learn Camps man.
Lesson will be restricted to the guard dog in the night house,shanghai massage, the chicken in the morn dawn Times ...

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